- If you’re not doing hills, you should. Work more muscles with every stride, plus less impact on your legs and knees.
- Do quick ab exercises in between sets to keep your body moving and your workout efficient.
- Change it up with mixed grip on your next deadlift or pull-up, one palm forward, the one back. Switch on each set.
- No need to do shrugs. Good shoulder workouts should hit your traps. Focus on something else like shoulder press.
- When training, five 30min. sessions are better than two 90min. sessions. Strive for frequency, not length.
- The scale may not be doing you justice, if you’re losing fat and gaining muscle. Take measurements to see inches lost.
- A daily 30min. brisk walk will burn around 1500cals every week. Over 6 months this totals 39,000cals or 11lbs. of fat.
- Fill your freezer! Frozen seafood is as good as fresh, in fact most fresh seafood is defrosted before being sold to you.
- Strive to drink 96oz. of Water per day; water helps you feel full and keeps your cells healthy.
- You can’t out train a poor diet, Dedicate time to precooking healthy meals at home that you can take with you on the go.
- Trying to lose fat? A muscle-building program that includes 8-12 reps with more than 3 sets is ideal to burn fat.
- Strength training that uses high intensity and is made up of compound lifts is superior to aerobic exercise for fat loss.
- Squats, deadlifts, chin-ups, bench and overhead press, lunges, and rows should make up the core of your training.
- A daily 30min brisk walk will burn around 1500cals every week. Over 6 months this totals 39000cals or 11lbs of fat.
- Work on balance! Weight training each side of the body separately can help even out imbalances.
- Milk is a good source of both whey & casein proteins. Try a glass of skim or 1% when you’re out of protein powder.

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America’s Royal Family Fashion Show
Ron will be a judge at this upcoming event! The show is looking for vendors and designers. Contact Dale Bradshaw bawinnr@gmail.com. Sunday, Oct. 22 at